Goodbye Teens, Hello Twenties

Chris K
3 min readDec 31, 2019


Remember a few things as we say goodbye to one decade, and ring in a new

Sydney celebrates New Year’s as fireworks ring in 2020.

The end of one decade and the beginning of a new is a special occurrence.

Only happening once every ten years, it’s time to say goodbye to 2019 and the 2010s decade (also known as the ‘Teens’), and hello to 2020 and the 2020s decade. It may not be the roaring ’20s again, but the ’20s are certainly back.

Despite what one might see online, the end of the decade is nigh. People claiming the decade ends at the end of 2020 are simply laughable. Was 1990 part of the 1980s decade? Was 1900 part of the 1890s decade? Absolutely not. Likewise, 2020 is not part of the 2010s, and so, the decade is ending.

Everyone always claims to have a New Year’s Resolution, something they promise to do come the new year, and drop it after a week at most. The most popular New Near’s Resolutions include starting a diet, cleaning, and changing old habits. However, it is at that point where people realize that starting something cold turkey isn’t easy, and they often don’t stick with it.

I personally do not have any specific New Year’s Resolutions for 2020, other than to continue to thrive and be my epic self. But you might, so here is some guidance and tips to ring in the new year, and the new decade, successfully.

Firstly, make more time to do what you love. Often times, we become so wrapped up in this mundane society that we forget to make some time to do what we enjoy. Whether it’s playing video games, watching sports, traveling, or anything in between, it is necessary to create time throughout the day to practice these things. Doing what we enjoy will only help us escape the negativity that drowns our lives.

Secondly, eat healthier. You’ve probably heard this one before, but it is important. We all slack in this category, even if you’re a vegan. Humans’ taste changes every seven years, but our eating habits don’t have to wait that long to change. Start by adding in a fruit to your day, and maybe a salad during dinner. Even if you wake up late, eat breakfast at 1 PM, and wait until 5 PM to eat dinner, with no meal in between (as I used to do as a teen), adding an apple or banana in there will only help. Maybe also lose the bag of chips.

Thirdly, remember to be trendy. The decade is changing, and with that comes the latest technology, clothing and living styles. Keep your style, but add in new trends here and there so you don’t fall behind with the times, old boomer.

The last tip I have for you is to examine yourself, find out what you want or need to do, and get it done. Got a beer belly? Drink less. Flabby abs? Work out some more, by lifting some weights around the house, or sign up at a local gym. Fixing yourself can only make you healthier and more confident come the new decade. And if you think you have nothing to fix, check again, bucko.

A short article this has been, perhaps, but to the point it has gotten. 2019 was a fantastic year for me, and I hope it was for you, too. At this point, we can only hope that 2020 and beyond will be as epic, and considering I’ve got new articles coming out in 2020, you might want to Follow me on Medium to stay tuned for those. Additionally, follow me on Twitter @Chris6dFilms, subscribe to me on YouTube, and join my Discord server for more epic content.

Goodbye, 2010s. You have served us well. Now go, and rest in history.

Chris is a writer and publisher who travels America, and loves doing it. He also loves pizza, video games, and sports, and can tell you a thing or two about each. Follow him on Medium to be informed of new articles.



Chris K

Native New Yorker. Pizza, Sports, Games, Life. Writing about whatever my heart desires. Follow me here and on Twitter for more articles!